
Operation: Wizard World

The world as we know it is a place of rules. Of laws. And I don't just mean laws on illegal firearm possession, but natural laws. For uncounted centuries we have known that this world - nay, universe - was ruled by the laws of physics, and that we were in control of our own destinies...but is this true? Or are we just living under a regime of strict governmental controls, much as we have done for thousands of years with implanted memories of a past? In short...is this the *real* world? Or are we just lab rats in a horrible experiment by unseen masters, ruled by beings we can't even see, bound by chains we can't feel except through their effects? In short...are we the unwitting subjects of...|drumroll, please|...OPERATION: WIZARD WORLD?
(for the record, no, this isn't a rip of the Matrix)

In the early 21st century, a two-man investigation team(names withheld to protect identities) began to uncover evidence of the above. They discovered, in short, that physics is just a Government creation, used by them to rule us for countless years, and that we were actually living in the early 32nd century. The Government had been controlling us for hundreds, maybe thousands of years through physics, and most of our past(including the age we're currently living in) has already happened. Physics wasn't around for the ancient egyptians; it's how they could build the pyramids. Every great physicist who's led us to believe in physics; Einstein, Newton, Galileo, Feynman and the like; were all Government plants, placed where they were to increase our belief in physics. That actually explained a lot for me. Like my physics teacher.

The team also found that the Government is not the highest rung; they answer to the wizards. The wizards are the true masterminds of this plan, the shadowy architects who are never seen for the simple reason that they're invisible. They also look like giant furry Mice, which might be why they want to stay invisible. That's why the government keeps creating(that's right; not discovering, creating) smaller particles in an atom; it's so people won't start trying to figure out the wizard parts. It's also why you can't reach or go past absolute zero or the speed of light; you'll be able to see through the illusion if you do.

However, the length of time and sheer size of this illusion means that there must have been some innocent ones, both wizards and physicists, or humans who tried to get in on the wizard-act. And in fact there were. So what became of these rogues, you ask? Why aren't they striving to free us from this bondage? Well, to answer that question, they aren't around anymore. What happened to them is widely known as the Salem witch trials. Scary how it all fits together, innit?
(no, i'm not crazy, and no i'm not on drugs either)

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